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The Goals And Objectives We Strive Towards


In a wider sense, we strive to provide palliative care services to the terminally ill and most vulnerable people in the community. We wish to improve quality of life of the patients and of their families, who are facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness. We do this through prevention and relief of suffering. We have various goals that help us on our way to achieving our overall mission:


  • To ensure standard quality care by offering a holistic approach to the chronically ill through physical, social, psychological and spiritual support.

  • To provide care at the end of life of the patients and also care for their family, including the bereavement phase.

  • To deliver quality palliative care services using a skilled multidisciplinary team.

  • To control pain through appropriate assessment and pain management.

  • To provide appropriate care, support and treatment to HIV/AIDS infected persons and those affected by HIV/AIDS, TB, STIs and other opportunistic infections.

  • To reduce transmission of HIV/AIDS by prevention services, including education on preventing mother-to-child-transmission.

  • To support orphans and vulnerable children who are either infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

  • To reduce stigma and discrimination in the community through education and sensitization programs.

  • To create awareness, promote advocacy and information dissemination.



Goals: About
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